Hunt Phone: (631) 909-2940
The landscape of Long Island is ever-changing. With its growing population and development of land, all on Long Island are left with a decrease of open spaces, urbanization and over development of land once enjoyed by all. It is becoming more and more important to maintain and preserve what land we have left so our future generations can enjoy these spaces, as we all have in the past.
A critical part of the Smithtown Hunt’s Mission Statement is Conservation. Conservation is vital to the future of our land on Long Island and as members of the Hunt, it is a pre-requisite to mounted hunting with hounds because we all hold a love, appreciation and respect for the outdoors, nature and all its habitats.
To help us further this initiative, please consider a donation to help support the Smithtown Hunt in furthering their efforts towards this goal and continuing a big part of our Mission Statement of Conservation, Education & Preservation.
Taking the best care of our hounds is our top priority. That's why we've put together a list of necessities — from food to flea and tick treatment — so members and friends of the hunt can easily help us meet their needs.
For the hound lover. Your donation includes attendance to all teas and our holiday party, and you will receive a holiday ornament of one of our hounds.
Your support helps the Smithtown Hunt to maintain and clean public lands. Includes attendance to all teas and the holiday party. Receive a Smithtown Hunt t-shirt.
This includes 3 caps, attendance to teas, holiday party and discounted member rate for hunter paces (including lunch for a non-rider companion) and a discounted member rate for other Smithtown Hunt riding events, such as the Vineyard Ride.
Celebrating the life of our beloved Barbara Clarke, MFH
Your charitable donation will go directly towards supporting the Smithtown Hunt, whose mission statement is Conservation, Education, & Preservation.